Settle your IRS Tax Debt Easily by Getting a Tax Attorney

In the present scenario, the IRS is ready to settle your taxes by offering a payment plan that will be suitable for both of you. The problem with many Americans is that they either do not have sufficient income to meet their tax debt requirements or, they cannot pay their debt in full because of a lack of proper planning. To overcome this problem, the government has devised a plan that can be beneficial to everyone including yourself.

Tax Debt


Under the fresh start program, you can pay your tax debt in three easy instants. You need not worry about your credit rating and all your bad credits will be cleared. Furthermore, you will not be asked to produce any formal proof to support your reliability. This plan has made it very easy for people to clear their tax debt on time. This is a big advantage as the financial institutions are well aware that if you are a client of theirs and find yourself in the situation of not being able to pay back your loans, they will be able to use this scheme to recover at least part of their money.


Many taxpayers have been asking: how does one qualify for the fresh start program? The answer to this question revolves around the fact that you have to be a resident of the United States and if you owe more than seven thousand five hundred dollars as tax debt, you will be eligible for the program. There are some taxpayers who have found it difficult to pay their due but these taxpayers do not qualify for the program.


If you want to eliminate the tax debts, you need not pay them back immediately. Rather, you need to settle them through the means of a tax debt settlement plan. However, before you proceed, you must consult an experienced attorney who can help you in assessing your case and making the best compromises in terms of the payments. A tax debt settlement is different from a chapter bankruptcy because there are no loans required from you and the penalties will not be imposed, said a tax levy attorney in Virginia.


Taxpayers can go through chapter 7 bankruptcy but there are some limitations involved which makes the process tedious. Instead of going through the process of filing for bankruptcy, you can choose the second option which is a tax debt settlement. If your case qualifies for this program, then your liabilities can be reduced by more than 50 percent. Not only will you qualify for a waiver of taxes but also enjoy many other benefits as well including monetary assistance with higher interest and longer repayment period.


The amount you owe as tax debt depends upon several factors such as your earnings and the total income tax owing that you have been paying. In most cases, the highest that a taxpayer can owe is about five percent of the total income earned. Some taxpayers may have been able to pay back only a fraction of the total tax that they owed but if this is the case, then the IRS will never contact them until the full payment of tax dues have been made. Hence, it is better to consult an attorney and discuss how to go about repaying the tax debt in the best way that will not put you in a tight situation.